Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Vegetable Garderner's Bible

So I have a backyard that's too small to play in but too big to lay vacant. With the prices of everything going up, combined with fond memories of my grandmother, I thought I might start a vegetable garden. After reading Edward Smith's The Vegetable Gardener's Bible I decided that I maybe don't have the best spot after all. I'll certainly check it out in the spring but if I decide to plant anything this year it'll probably just be a few berry bushes in the front garden.

That was the great thing about this book though. It laid out everything you need to know to start a garden from scratch, an extensive index of vegetables and what you need to do to be successful with them and a writing style that makes you believe that you can do it. Even when you live in a northern climate with a shortened growing season. I'll give this one a 4, even if I won't have a garden this Spring.