Sunday, April 17, 2011

Power Girl: A New Beginning

So, Power Girl.  She's sort of the forgotten Kryptonian.  Or the other Atlantean.  She's one of those characters that DC just doesn't quite know what to do with so it's interesting to have another team take a swing at her.  This team tries to have fun with it.  She can be pretty ridiculous.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bleach 31: Don't Kill My Volupture

Hey!  A big fight scene.  That's surprising.  Or not, it's that point in the story.  And they're getting their asses handed to them until something bigger can step in and help them.  Also not surprising.

Knife of Dreams

So much happens in this book.  A lot of it is stuff that I've been waiting for forever.  Mat marrying the Daughter of the Nine Moons and then leading the Band of the Red Hand.  Rand losing his hand.  Perrin finally getting Faile back.  The plot really starts ticking along with this book and the climax actually seems to be coming into view.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Robin the Teen Wonder

This is a collection of Robin stories, featuring all the Robins, from how they took on the mantle to how they left it.

Robin's an old character.  I think Dick Grayson hits 60 this year so there has been a lot of ups and downs and with 4 Robins in this collection that's a long time chronologically.  Many of them I read as they were published, at least Jason Todd's fall and Tim Drake's ascent, but when they're all collected in one place Batman comes across as a bit of a jerk.  The reason for Dick leaving is petty, as is the decision to let Stephanie Brown take Tim Drake's position.  And reading of Jason's dramatic death, followed closely with Tim Drake pushing his way in was a little odd.  I wish there had been a bit more focus on what was done as Robin, rather than their origins but I guess that's what the Showcase specials are for.