Monday, April 30, 2012


I've read Stiff and Spook by Mary Roach so when I saw she'd written a new one I very excited to read it.  Then I saw it was going to be all about sex.  The book was actually surprisingly informative and she got into a lot of places that I'm surprise would let her in.  On top of that is her humour.  I really enjoy her style.  Some parts of the book made me laugh out loud.  That doesn't happen often.

I would think there were still some aspects of the subject of sex that she was hesitant to write about.  The ultrasound experiments for one.  Besides herself and her husband I'm really curious about why these couples would agree to do this thing.

The New Teen Titans: Games

I'm so glad I picked this up.  George Perez is one of my all-time favourite artists and I loved his and Marv Wolfman's turn on The New Teen Titans it was one of the first series that I collected.  Seeing the whole team represented was a walk down memory lane.  I think this may have been from a time that I wasn't reading though, I don't remember Danny or Beast Boy with a mullet.

The story was a great read.  I'm almost glad that this was started and then dropped.  From the Foreword and Afterword, the story that they originally planned wasn't as good as this story that they've told.  My only real disappointment is that this story is probably not really part of the continuity anymore.  There was still a Teen Titans led by Nightwing (I'm assuming) but  don't think they would have had enough time to have this grand an adventure.

Red Hood: The Lost Days

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.  I've never been a big Jason fan.  I've always felt he was just a place holder for Dick.  I remember his original origin story and it was just a complete retelling of Dick's and I remember his second origin story.  Stealing the wheels off the Batmobile was certainly points for style, but I didn't like how Batman took in a kid who was even less well trained than Dick and expected him to succeed.  He even still had a living parent but Bruce adopted him anyway.  I felt bad for Dick a lot through the Jason years.  However, when it came down to vote, I would've voted for Jason to live if I'd been an American.  I like Batman with Robin, it keeps him even.

And that's where the Red Hood enters.  I felt that Judd Winick did a really good job of getting Jason's confused emotions across to the reader.  Sure, he's murdering people, but I almost felt he was killing the right people.  The people that really did deserve to die.

Talia was an interesting choice for this tale.  Mostly she's seen as the daughter of Ra's al Ghul and that's it.  Here, she goes against her father's wishes and does something that she truly believes will bring Batman back to her.  Once she realises just how broken Jason is, her role changes, she's trying to contain him while he fixes himself.  I get the feeling that she expected that this wanting to kill Batman thing was just a phase.  She knows his love for Bruce, probably more so than Jason does.