Monday, October 11, 2010

Lord of Chaos

Up to the sixth book in my Wheel of Time reread. Lord of Chaos is usually where I start to slow down. Jordan has started to introduce multiple story lines. Rand, Mat and Perrin should be the central figures as the series started with them (though Mat is sort of on the periphery until his link with the knife is broken) but now there is major plot developments with Egwene and the Aes Sedai, with Elayne and Nynaeve, with Morgase and the Whitecloaks, etc. The story starts to get pulled in lots of different directions. In some ways that's what I really like about this series. It's very rich in detail. In other ways I just want to see more of my favourite characters.

Lord of Chaos does have one of the most climatic endings of Jordan's series. The battle of Dumai's Wells is epic in both scope and what it sets up for the rest of the series.

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