Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Gathering Storm

This is the first of the last three books in the Wheel of Time series.  It's also the first that wasn't written solely by Robert Jordan.  Brandon Sanderson does have a different voice for the characters than Jordan did, and some of them do take getting used to.  His Perrin and Elyane are the closest to Jordan I think, with Mat and Egwene being the furthest.

Besides the voices of the characters being slightly different.  The action also heats up.  I don't know if that's what Jordan intended but it seems like everything is coming to a head at once.  It definitely feels like the Last Battle (and the end of the series) is just around the corner.  I laughed when I read that this would be the end, that it wouldn't be dragged out for a few more books but after reading this one I think I may have been wrong.

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