Friday, May 1, 2009

Hordes: Primal

My husband had been trying to get me into Privateer Press' Warmachine for a while. We play miniature war games together but mostly just those from Games Workshop. I have no interest in giant robots. I just don't like them, they're in the same category as power armour. Monsters on the other hand... As soon as I saw the Warpwolf I was hooked.

Hordes: Primal is the first book released for Hordes. There's been two more at this point but I think Primal still has some of the best stuff for the game. It details the four factions: Skorne, Trollbloods, Circle Orboros and Legion of Everblight. My faction is Circle. I just like the druid background and all the models.

It's a great game. Most of the time you can get a game finished in about an hour or two, sometimes even faster. The rules are fast and brutal and reward those willing to take a chance. The background is deep and interesting. I find myself reading the rule book and wondering what's going to happen next.

I'll give this one a 5.

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