Friday, August 29, 2008

The Ultimates Volume 1 Super-Human

Again, not really a fan of Marvel. I couldn't tell you who was actually in the Avengers to save my life. I could probably come up with a few but not the whole team. The Ultimates is apparently the Ultimate universe version of the Avengers. With a Captain America back from the dead (well, back from the frozen ice), a hippie Thor, and Giant Man, the Wasp and the Hulk exhibiting terrible personal problems. I think Iron Man is pretty much the same.

It's the terrible personal problems that really surprised me. When I was first recommended this book it was to catch up on what's going on in the world of the Ultimate Spider-Man. I was told that I should probably read the first two volumes of the Ultimates before getting beyond Volume 10 of Spider-Man. So I did, expecting to find more of the same. It's not the same. It's a lot more adult. There's still a tonne of complaining going on, but it's less like the teenage angst of Spider-Man and more like the marital problems of unhinged people.

I like the dark turn, probably because I don't know any of the characters though. Even so, I'll give it a 4.

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