Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hordes: Metamorphosis

Hordes: Metamorphosis is the latest expansion of Privateer Press' Hordes line of miniature battle. The story progresses (although I wish Circle's role was a little more than the faction to get beat around) and I'm intrigued as to where it's headed. I understand what Kreuger was thinking when he went to see Blighterghast but I don't think he really thought out the consequences.

Skorne was the big winner in Metamorphosis. Pretty much everything they got was full of win. The other factions got nifty stuff too, but Skorne got the best.

The Minion warlocks are an interesting idea. I like the variety and that they can't command their own faction. I think it maintains the flavour of Hordes.

The only real complaint I have about Metamorphosis is that it came out too close to Mark II. Morraig, Circle's dragoon, will be out for all of a month before he undergoes rule changes with the field test. I'm excited for the changes that Mark II will bring. I just wish I had more time to play with him before he changes.

I'll give this one a 3.

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