Sunday, June 19, 2011

Flash Gordon: The Mercy Wars

So I picked this up on a whim, and after the first few pages was resigned to not liking it much.  Flash Gordon just seemed too good at everything.  CIA candidate, Olympic medalist, awesome pilot, Harvard professor?  Just a little too much.  I get that characters have to be bigger than normal but I had trouble reconciling all these qualities with the Flash Gordon character.

And then there was Dale (and actually any female character) and her tendency to pose butt and breasts out.  The cheesecake was full on display.

I liked the art, aside from how the women were depicted and I liked the writing.  Deneen was able to keep up with fast-paced dialogue and some great action scenes.  All in all, I liked it enough that I'm looking for the next collection.  Hopefully, a few of the problems will be dealt with.

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