Friday, June 20, 2008

Bloodsucking Fiends

I'd heard good things about Christopher Moore so when my husband offered to buy me a book at a spur of the moment book buying binge he was having I headed to the M section of the book store. I was going to pick up a different novel by Moore but my husband was on a vampire kick (see the slew of vampire manga and graphic novels that have landed in my blog to get an idea) and suggested I pick up Bloodsucking Fiends.

The story follows a newly-made vampire on her search to find out what's happened to her and the boy she co-opts to help her figure it out. When I first started reading I was a little unsure of the "purple prose" that Moore uses to set his scenes but once the characters started interacting I enjoyed the book alot more. There were parts that made me laugh out loud and there aren't that many books that do that to me. If Douglas Adams had been American and writing vampire novels they might have sounded something like this one.

It's not a perfect book. I was a little confused on how many vampires there might have been running around the city and, as I mentioned, the dialogue is much stronger than the parts that aren't dialogue but I enjoyed this for the most part. I'm giving it a 4 and I'm adding it to my husband's pile of books to read.

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