Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wormwood Gentleman Corpse: Calamari Rising

Ben Templesmith's Wormwood is just crazy. Someone at work asked what I was reading and I could only tell her that it was about a god-like worm that lived in the right eye socket of a corpse. It's not quite a conversation stopper, but it's close.

In Calamari Rising, Wormwood must once again save the Earth from something that's come looking for him. The only reason he saves the Earth is because he likes the drink and the women. He's kind of self-centred that way. I found this novel alot tighter than the last one (It Only Hurts When I Pee) it seemed to know where it was going, even if it did involve sort of a deus ex machina device it made sense because Wormwood is something of a god.

I enjoyed this one, it went quickly but I wasn't disappointed. I'll give it a 4.

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