Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Boring-Ass Life: The Uncomfortably Candid Diary of Kevin Smith

The title kind of says it all. My Boring-Ass Life by Kevin Smith is boring. And, like the subtitle, is uncomfortably candid. He talks about everything: his love for his wife and family, how often he likes to have sex with his wife, how he likes to have sex with her, his morning bathroom ritual and how going on an all liquid diet changes that and basically every move he makes for about a year. Someone on his web site asked him what he did all day and he told them.

It did inspire me to go out and rend Catch and Release because he seemed to have such a fun time making it. It wasn't as good as he thought it was. In fact, alot of the movies and TV shows that Smith really likes (and he watches alot of TV) are not ones that I would recommend, or at least not recommend as glowingly as Smith. I made me wonder why I like his movies and why I was even reading his book.

Then I hit the middle section. He'd started making Clerks II, which gave him more to talk about and less time to talk so the blog entries had filler and space. This is where the book started picking up for me (although the anal fissure story was very funny) but the part that really made the book worth it in the end was the story of his relationship with Jason Mewes and Mewes relationship with drugs. The story of his friend's addiction and battle to beat that addiction was both toughing and funny and reminded me that I like Kevin Smith's work because he does know how to put words together.

This book is slow going because it's basically a blog on paper but the pay off happens in the second half. I'm giving it a 3.

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