Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Boys Volume 1: The Name of the Game

Garth Ennis hates superheroes. It's pretty obvious in most stuff he writes but with The Boys Volume 1: The Name of the Game (with art by Darick Robertson) it's prevalent as they're affiliated with the CIA and their whole purpose is to keep the capes in line. As a superhero fan myself I like trying to figure out who Ennis is using as source material for his "heroes". I find it gives them a bit of depth because I already have a vision of them in mind. There's a layer to them that Ennis doesn't have to try to add through exposition.

The Boys wouldn't work as well without Wee Hughie, the common man who's the counterpoint to the super man. I felt it was interesting to give Hugh the face of Simon Pegg. It immediately gave him a voice and a timing in delivery that gave him the same sort of caricature that the heroes would have.

I'm giving this one a 4 out of 5. Only because I'm a Pollyanna and believe that if superheroes were real there would be more than a few good ones.

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