Sunday, April 6, 2008

Empowered Volume 3

I can't believe I read these books.

I can't believe I like these books.

But I do. Empowered Volume 3 by Adam Warren is more of the same superhero comedy craziness of a girl who wants to be a better hero but whose fragile supersuit, and fragile self esteem, keep her to the D-list. Even though it's really an excuse to draw a pretty girl all tied up, Warren does make the effort to have a story and to move it along. He reveals Emp's alter ego, what's up with Ninjette (her real name as well) and more of Thug Boy's past as a witless minion. I think one has to be familiar with the superhero genre to really get some of the humour but it does make me laugh. It gets a 4 from me.

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